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[::..Vital Statistics..::]
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:: DOB: July 27
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Earth, Sol System
:: HEIGHT: Approx 5'9"
:: WEIGHT: Impatient
:: HAIR: Yes, I still have
:: EYES: 20/20
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Stardate: Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Rockin' the house

I meant to have this post up on Monday, but unfortunately, I had a medical condition prevent me from blogging. More on that later, but here's what I wanted to say:

Kudos to Chris Rock! Last week I made a post (see below) about the terms LIBERAL and CONSERVATIVE as they relate to DEMOCRAT and REPUBLICAN. I felt I made some fair points (who wouldn't feel they made fair points, really....I mean, who says, "man, did my points just suck!"?)

Well, earlier this week I watched Chris Rock's recent HBO special. Guess what he decides to bring up, right in the middle? The same thing. Kinda cool, huh? Now, it would have been decidedly cooler if he had read my blog, gotten the inspiration from it and then said so, but that never happens in real life. Odds are the man is just an intelligent individual who knows just how asinine the whole situation is.

That said, why couldn't I post this information when it was more relevant? That would be because on Sunday night I went into labor. Not in the traditional sense, of course, that would be biologically impossible (or something out of a bad Arnold Schwarzennegger/Danny Devito film.) No, I found out on Sunday night/Monday morning that I had a kidney stone!

WOO HOO!!!! Kidney stone! Hip hip....Hooray!!!........................................No, wait. That's not right. Kidney stones suck! They REALLY DO! It was once described in the medical profession by giving birth to twins at the same time. Luckily for me the pain wasn't quite THAT bad, as that I had a smaller stone. Also, lucky for me, I passed it withing 48 hours. My dad, who has had 11 stones in his lifetime, has been considerably less fortunate. So now, I'm on the high water diet, with no dairy for awhile.

But, of course, this led me to a bit of an oddity. Here we are.....The 21st century........ I can deal with the fact that we don't have flying cars, that we don't have robots and even that we haven't made it to Jupiter where a maniacal, yet talented, singing computer will kill all the inhabitants on the ship, save the man cunning enough to shut it down who then discovers the infinite. However, (BTW, I don't know if even I can follow that last sentence,) what I don't understand is, if you pass a stone, save it, bring it to the doctor, and he sends it to the lab, WHY DOES IT TAKE 3 WEEKS TO EXAMINE THE BLOODY THING? I mean, this isn't Stonehenge we're talking about! It's roughly the size of a tomato seed! We're also not asking for the atomic structure of it! Just what the thing is made of! You would think it would be easier than that, or at least be less than 3 weeks. 3 days, I can understand. Hell, I'd even settle for 1 week. But 3? How in the hell did that happen?

OK, venting complete. I now return you to your regularly scheduled web surfing.
:: J 10:56 AM [+] ::
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Stardate: Monday, April 12, 2004
Kindergarten Revisited

You know, with a title like that, you'd think I was here to talk about those fond memories I have from being a child, playing with the FLINTSTONES TELEPHONE or those non-descript wood cars with the moving wheels. But alas, this is not the case. While thinking of Kindergarten does bring back these memories, it also brings back a certain mentality. This mode of thinking stays with children from this moment, at least until the end of High School. Some finally forget this way of thinking in favor of its opposite, while others never escape. What is this way of thinking? Conformity. Now, before I rant my little brain out, let me be specific about what bee is in my bonnet. Honestly, conformity is a way of life which I have come to accept (*snicker*) Unfortunately, every once in a while, it tends to stick in my craw just how out there some people are.

Of what am I speaking? The terms LIBERAL and CONSERVATIVE, as defined by DEMOCRAT and REPUBLICAN. Unfortunately, I am inundated with these terms at work, as everything is turned into a discussion of some bi-partisan nonsense.

As with any argument, what I am about to say cannot be applied to everybody, but it can be applied to way too many people.

My first step in this argument is to go to DICTIONARY.COM and look up the terms LIBERAL and CONSERVATIVE.

They are listed as the following:
LIBERAL - a) Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
b) Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.

CONSERVATIVE - a) Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change.
b) Traditional or restrained in style: a conservative dark suit.
c) Moderate; cautious: a conservative estimate.

Now, before I go sticking by foot in my mouth (BTW, I have a size 9.5 mouth) I will cross reference with THESAURUS.COM and confirm that they are, in fact, antonyms. Yes. They are.

Now, I ask you: Who in their right mind would WANT to be called bigoted? Where do I get that? Remember that above it says that a liberal is "free of bigotry." As the exact opposite, a conservative is "bigoted." Even, if it doesn't say it outright. Now, one could make an argument that this is OBVIOUSLY a "liberal publication," but I am not here for that. I am just trying to make a point.

Continuing, I would like to think that there are more shades of grey than there are black and white. To wit, that the definitions given above are extreme situations, and that not everyone who is liberal is like that and not everyone who is conservative is like that.

As that I REFUSE to pigeonhole myself into either category, I like to think that I am conservative on some things and liberal on others. What does that make me? A bastard? I would hope not. Conservatives may say I am liberal (I get that a lot). Liberals may find me too conservative (I don't get that much. Maybe it's because they are all "broad-minded.") By strict CONSERVATIVE thinking, though, does that make me a LIBERAL? By definition, probably.

But again, to the broader sense of things.....If you are a liberal, does that mean that you have to tow the same line for everything? Does that mean that you can't have one conservative thought in your head or risk being thrown out of the club? Same goes the other way. Is that true? Again, liberals could argue that this is only the case on the conservative side of the fence, since liberals again are too "broad minded" to consider something like that.

Now, based on these definitions, it makes sense to me that the only ones who would feel the need to discriminate between liberals and conservatives are conservatives since they are so "bigoted" or "opposed to change." Liberals, on the other hand, should be too "open-minded" to care one way or the other.

Some could make the argument here that this could clearly define people as good or not. I choose to believe that that is not the case. I have met many people on either side, and many of them are good people at heart. I just have never understood the need to put themselves into either group. Why should it matter?

Most of the time, it doesn't. Not until you get grouped into one catergory or the other based on your opinion of one item. This happens more than anything else. "I feel this way on topic X." "You must be one of those 'bleeding-heart' liberals." "I feel this way on topic C." "You must be one of those staunch conservatives!"

NO! I just happen to feel this way about that. Why should that determine how I feel about everything? Why, again, should it even matter?

Everyone is surprised and jumps on the moment when a Democrat happens to side with the conservatives, or vice-versa. This is not a monumental occasion. This is simply one person voicing there opinion. This is not a fundamental shift in their personality, but simply where they stand on that particular issue.

Nothing has polarized our society quite like September 11, 2001. Since then, it seems like everything has become an issue of CONERVATIVES versus LIBERALS. Quite frankly, I don't give a damn. LIBERAL, CONSERVATIVE, INDEPENDENT, UNITARIAN, CATHOLIC, KLINGON, it really doesn't matter. These names should be meaningless except when applied to someone who is 100% one way or the other. For the most part, I refuse to believe that everyone who calls themself one or the other is 100% on EVERY issue. Maybe, but I doubt it. A great source of conservativism can come from Religion. A great source of liberalism can be friends. The simple nature of friendship lends itself to an unconstrained attitude. If not, you'd better reevaluate.

My point, the point I often make, is that we spend way too much time labeling ourselves as a society. Lighten up. Don't try to define yourself with one word. You'd be doing yourself a tremendous disservice. Anyone can be described with more than one adjective. And even if you want to choose only one, pick a better one.

:: J 1:41 PM [+] ::
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